DIA Taxation

Building your business and Wealth Together

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Our Services

We offer a comprehensive range of tax and accounting services for business and personal clients.

Tax Return Services

We have thousand of customer to get maximum possible refund and claim maximum possible deductions.

BAS Preparation

We can help you to lodge Monthly/Quatelry/Annualy Business Activity statement so that you can focus on your business without any stress

Bookeekping Services

We have specialized indusrty expert bookekkeppers who not aonly understand your business but also take care your of your bookeeping needs.

ABN/ GST/TFN Registration Services

You can use our online web based application to get an ABN /GST/TFN. You will be registered within 15 minutes.

Business Setup

It is essential that you get the structure correctly in the start-up phase as changing the business structure could lead to many complications if done at a later point in the future. 

Financial Planning

Financial planning is one of the key steps every entrepreneur needs to take in order to set their business on the right course and maximise their chances of success. 

Loan Services

Getting a right loan is critcial to your financial sucess. We will guide you to make the right choice that is best for you. We helped thosidand of customers to get loans at cheapest interest rate.


Are you looking to take control over your retirement plan by setting up your own SMSF? Then you are likely to be a bit puzzled by all the paperwork and steps that have to be taken as a part of the setup process.

What Our Client Says

Years of Experience and Expertise

Unlike other firms, our Partners work closely with you to deliver a proactive and thorough service, which is why we have so many long-standing clients..

Individusal Clients
Corprate Clients
SMSF Clients

Why Us

We Speak Your Language

Down to Earth Approach

We explain financial terms in plain English, answer your questions in detail, and empower you with the information you need to grow your business.

Trusted and Honest Advice

We understand your priorities

We have earned the trust and respect or our clients by helping them succeed through considered and transparent advice.

Relationship Focused

We are friendly

We pride ourselves on being accessible to all of our clients, big or small. No matter what questions you may have, our friendly team will offer you bespoke assistance.

Personalised Service

Personalised Service

In accounting, there is no one-size-fits-all. We take the time to understand your unique situation and offer you professional advice in accordance with your personal or business goals

Our Accreditations